Outlook 2007 Errors: 0x8004010D and 0x80004005

Well this is a reminder about those two errors that appear in Outlook.

The error 0x80004005

This is one tricky  b@astard message, it really doesn't tell you whats going on. This error appeared to me when I tried to receive new emails in Outlook 2007. For what I have discovered, it just tell you that you can receive new mails. It may appear if you .pst files weights more than 4Gb and youre using Windows XP, or maybe there's an Antivirus blocking the entry of new mails.

The error 0x8004010D

This one is easy, its about your .pst file. As I told you before, thers a limit of space of 2Gb or 4Gb, after that the file cannot grow more. This will happen if youre still using Windows XP or use a FAT hard drive instead of NTSF.


Well, I dont really know what to do, but you can check this tool to change the size of the PST file and split it in more parts. Hope this help anyone.

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How to Fix the Socket Exception in Wamp2.2 and Netbeans

So I have this setup going on:

  • Windows 8 64bits
  • Wamp 2.2
  • PHP 5.4.3
  • Apache 2.4.4
  • And by default Xdebug  2.2.0-5.4-vc9
  • Netbeans 7.2 

The normal setup that comes with the new WAMP 2.2. When I was trying to debug a simple drupal project I got the tipical please  configure you php.ini according to this:

xdebug.remote_enable = on
xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp
xdebug.remote_host = localhost
xdebug.remove_port = 9000

Nice, so I set up my PHP.INI  with the info above and start debuging again and BAM: Socket Exception on NetBeans with some instruction to disable watches. Thats the usuall stuff that netbeans tells when xdebug is not well configured.  So heres comes the solution:

Want to easily open up php.ini? Just leftclick your wampserver icon and navigate to it


1) Download the latest release of xdebug. Now you got to be very carefully chosing the adecuate file. In my case I downloaded : PHP 5.4 VC9 TS (64 bit).

Now, How do you choose the one?. Easy. The first part of the name is the version of PHP you use, so I have to choose those that start with PHP 5.4. Then comes the version of Visual Studio that this .dll has been compiled. Usually you got to choose the same one has your PHP and Apache have been compiled and for Wamp2.2 it is VC9. Now what about TS? TS means Thread Safe and for what I know is the one thats work well with newest apaches and phps. I downloaded another version (this one: PHP 5.4 VC9 (64 bit) , notice it doesnt say TS) that wasn't threat safe and I got the Netbeans message that It couldn't connect to the port.... so make sure is TS using my configuration above. Now dont forget the 64 bits part or 32bits part, its depend of the version of WAMP youre using.

2) Find this chain in your PHP.ini : zend_extension, comment it and add this one zend_extension = "c:/wamp/bin\php/php5.4.3/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.2.3-5.4-vc9-x86_64.dll". And yes move your dowloaded xdebug to that address. And restart. 

 This is what's will look like your php.ini after the changes. Usually the xdebug info is at the bottom of your php.ini

3) Woalla, now youre debugging =).

Fixing Wamp and Undefined function pg_connect() in Windows7

So this is an update to my post on Fixing Wamp not so friendly extension.
I was trying to configure WAMP in WIndows7 so I can play with postgres 8.4. So I put on the extension php_pgsql and php_pdo_pgsql and it doest work.

To fix this you must find the libpq.dll file in C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.X.X whatever your version is) and put it on C:\Windows\System32 AND  to c:/wamp/bin/apache/apachex.x/bin (this is the difference with my post) .

 Please note that just in case you must install a WAMP of the same bitage that your postgres version. In my case Wamp 64 bits didnt work on my Postgres of 32 bits, so i reinstalled and used the Wamp of 32bit.

Hope it help anyone!